Global inflation and rising costs, particularly in the energy sector, are driving many healthcare institutions to exercise caution. In this challenging environment, some might be tempted to reduce the use of temporary staff. However, this apparent cost-saving measure often overlooks two crucial factors: indirect costs and the synergies a partner like Medicalis can offer.

Is Temporary Employment Really a Budget Burden?

David Paulou, Managing Director of Medicalis, has been observing the growing pressure that global inflation and rising costs are placing on healthcare institutions. “While the pressure on all players in this sector is understandable, it is unfortunate that temporary staff are sometimes seen as an unnecessary cost,” he says. Although the increasing financial strain across all industries, including healthcare, often forces budget cuts, Paulou warns, “The calculation is often incomplete, as it fails to consider two critical factors.”

Hidden Costs of Recruitment

One of these factors concern the indirect costs associated with recruiting permanent or temporary staff. “Healthcare institutions often focus solely on the direct costs, meaning what we charge them. These costs are real, of course, but they overlook the indirect savings they gain by working with a service provider like us,” Paulou explains. These savings are not only related to recruitment expenses, such as job advertisements or digital marketing, but also to the considerable time HR teams spend reviewing and evaluating applications, which is particularly high during a talent shortage.

Another key point: Every candidate presented to a healthcare institution has already undergone a thorough administrative and HR process at Medicalis. “Personal interviews, reference checks, and assessments following clearly defined procedures – these steps are essential to maximising the chances of a successful hire. If our team of 60 employees across Switzerland does not handle this, healthcare staff would need to take over, leading to substantial costs,” Paulou elaborates.

Synergies for Greater Efficiency

The second critical factor relates to the synergies Medicalis provides as a partner. “These synergies have two advantages. First, we have a pool of experienced employees we work with regularly, and they can be mobilised quickly based on our clients’ needs. Second, through the capabilities of the collective labour agreement (CLA) for personnel leasing and our expertise via the specialised structure of Medicalis Academy, we are able to train temporary staff,” Paulou continues.

Temporary Employment: Cost or Investment?

Temporary employment offers significant advantages to healthcare institutions by saving both time and money. “By entrusting Medicalis with the recruitment process, they can ensure they find the right talent quickly and efficiently,” Paulou emphasises. For those still hesitant, he offers one final argument: “Hiring temporary staff is the most efficient way to quickly meet specific staffing needs.”